Ankle Cartilage Injury

Understanding Ankle Cartilage Injuries:

The ankle joint, formed by the tibia, fibula, and talus bones, can sustain cartilage injuries. These injuries involve damage to the talus bone and its cartilage cover. In some cases, the lower end of the tibia might also be affected.

Causes of Cartilage Ankle Injuries: 

Cartilage injuries are commonly triggered by ankle joint trauma, often resulting from ankle sprains. Some cases might arise without a history of ankle injury, potentially due to local osteonecrosis or metabolic issues.

Recognizing the Symptoms:

Cartilage ankle injuries manifest through various symptoms:

  • Localized pain in the ankle joint
  • Swelling and tenderness of the ankle joint
  • Difficulty bearing weight on the affected ankle
  • Ankle locking or catching

Diagnosing Cartilage Ankle Injuries:

Accurate diagnosis involves physical examination, X-rays, CT scans, and MRI scans. X-rays reveal fractures, spurs, and joint narrowing. CT scans detect bony fragments and cysts, while MRI is the best method for visualizing cartilage and bone lesions, as well as bone edema.

Treatment Options:

For cartilage ankle injuries, both non-surgical and surgical approaches are available:

  • Non-Surgical: Immobilization, limited weight-bearing, and physical therapy encourage healing, muscle strength, and mobility.
  • Surgical: Severe injuries may require surgery. Procedures like debridement to remove damaged cartilage and loose bodies, microfracture or drilling of lesions, cartilage and bone grafting, and fragment fixation using screws are commonly used.

Your Path to Recovery:

At Premier Orthopedic Specialists of Tulsa, we’re committed to helping you recover from cartilage ankle injuries. Our expertise and personalized care ensure you receive the most suitable treatment for your condition.

Conclusion: Osteochondral ankle injuries demand specialized care. Premier Orthopedic Specialists of Tulsa offers comprehensive insights, accurate diagnostics, and tailored treatment plans to aid your recovery journey. Contact us today to schedule a consultation and take the first step toward improved ankle health.